Botany Bay, Your Local Alpharetta Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Alpharetta

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 11 miles from the center of Alpharetta.

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Botany Bay Florist
6068 Roswell Rd
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
Leave a Review
3 months ago
Above and beyond service. Driver called when I didn’t open the door to see if I was at home, which gave the opportunity for us to figure out that the gifter accidentally used my old address and I wasn’t there because I recently moved. Botany Bay then delivered to my new home
Seth MorrisSeth Morris
6 months ago
Called Botany Bay on Thursday, two days before my anniversary dinner I called and was able to speak with Sunny, who gave great idea for a floral arrangement for my anniversary dinner! When my wife and I arrived for dinner, the flowers were perfect and waiting right at our table!! Sunny was absolutely incredible and gave such a great experience for his customer service!! Highly highly recommend!!